
"The Flagship Film Podcast"

“The flagship film podcast” featuring in-depth reviews, top 5 lists and interviews.

#380: Top 10 Films of 2011



1. The Tree of Life

2. Take Shelter

3. Drive

4. Certified Copy

5. Meek's Cutoff

6. The Arbor

7. Hugo

8. A Separation

9. The Artist

10. Super 8

#11-30 (Alphabetical): Bill Cunningham New York, Bridesmaids, Cave of Forgotten Dreams, The Descendants, Hanna, The Interrupters, Margaret, Margin Call, Melancholia, Martha Marcy May Marlene, Project Nim, Senna, The Skin I Live In, Source Code, Tabloid, The Trip, Warrior, War Horse, Weekend, Win Win.



1. The Tree of Life

2. Cedar Rapids

3. Meek's Cutoff

4. The Muppets

5. Take Shelter

6. Certified Copy

7. The Interrupters

8. Rise of the Planet of the Apes

9. Drive

10. Martha Marcy May Marlene

Michael Phillips


1. Poetry

2. Moneyball

3. Certified Copy

4. The Descendants

5. The Interrupters

6. Guy and Madeline on a Park Bench

7. A Separation

8. The Tree of Life

9. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

10. Weekend

Scott Tobias


1. Meek's Cutoff

2. Certified Copy

3. A Separation

4. The Tree of Life

5. Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives

6. Martha Marcy May Marlene

7. Drive

8. Weekend

9. Margaret

10. The Arbor

Guest's #1 Picks


Rian Johnson
The Tree of Life

Edward Burns
Midnight in Paris

Peter Labuza
Certified Copy

Steve Prokopy

Alison Willmore

Matt Singer
Take Shelter

Filmspotting Advisory Board
Shame / The Muppets

Chris Klimek
Midnight in Paris


Telegraph Road Productions, Inc.
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